Then, let’s proceed to the latter half questions!
OK, boss!
~ ~ ~
6)What type of customers did you host?
Mostly, middle aged married men, and financially stable. Few of them were nice and chill. Others were…too energetic lol
~ ~ ~
7)Did your sexuality effect you working there?
I was very open about my sexuality. A lot of people knew I was lesbian, but no it didn’t effect me at all. Some guys verbally harassed me by saying things like “I love lesbian porn!”,but that’s not anything new.
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8)Why did you quit?
I was over it. I no longer wanted to be anyone’s garbage can. I got depressed, had to deal with eating disorder and other mental issues. It was my time at that moment.
~ ~ ~
9)Want to work there again in the future?
You know,I don’t have a college degree or any skills, so, yes. It’s the fastest way to earn money but I don’t think I can handle things the way I used to. I’m very grumpy lately lol
~ ~ ~
10)Any advice if I were to work at a hostess bar?
I don’t recommend it, but I know sometimes you have no choice. So, if you have to work there, don’t take things too seriously because if you do, you won’t last!
コメント / COMMENT
[…] the previous article, Candice told me that some Japanese husbands come to hostess bars to meet women, so, I asked her […]
[…] (キャバクラってどんなお仕事?(前・後編)/What is Japanese typical ‘hostess bar’ like? (Part 1/2))キャバクラでかつて働いていたきゃんきゃんが語る、キャバクラの楽しいところ辛いところ。Hostess bar is one of the most typical night businesses in Japan. Candice explains about it. […]