What is the Difference between Pansexual and Bisexual?

レシピ / RECIPE

Hi, I’m Chihiro and I am pansexual (feel sexual attraction regardless of their sex or gender identity). Sometimes, people ask me ‘what is the difference between pansexual and bisexual (feel sexual attraction for both female and male)?’

And I reply with the example of people go to the restaurant famous for its fish dishes and meat dishes. Bisexuals look at menu thinking ‘Hmm, I am OK with both fish and meat as both look delicious’. On the other hand, pansexuals look at menu thinking ‘Hmm, I don’t care whether it is fish or meat or salad or dessert if I can eat delicious meal.’

As I mentioned the article below, the world of sexuality is soooo diverse! Everyone has own answer (recipe). Bisexuals choose to be conscious about male/female categorization, while pansexuals choose to wander around the vague world of sexuality.

For me, I love Candice regardless of her sex or gender identity, so, I am pansexual. Although sometimes people think pansexuals are ‘sexually greedy’, I love being wandering around. After all, I love every meal in the world (even infamous natto lol)!

[Written by: Chihiro]

コメント / COMMENT

  1. […] What is the Difference between Pansexual and Bisexual?the difference between pansexual and bisexual can be easily explained by the example of people go to the restaurant famous for its fish dishes and meat dishes.gendercooking.com2020.06.14 […]

  2. […] ~~~〇おてがるレシピ/Easy Recipeポテチ片手に、お手すき時間にサクサクよんでいただきたい軽食レシピたちです。If you don’t have much time, please read these ‘easy going’ articles!(当ブログのアイコンについて/About the icon of this blog)当ブログのカラフルなアイコンにどんな意味が込められているかの解説記事。This article explains what the icon of this blog implies.(パンセクシャルとバイセクシャル、どう違う?/What is the difference between pansexual and bisexual?)どっちも「男と女両方好きになりうる」ように見えて、意外と違うパン/バイセクシャルについて。This article explains the difference between pansexual and bisexual. […]
