Q&A about Being Pan-sexual

レシピ / RECIPE

Hi, it’s me, Chihiro. Today, I would like to talk about two questions which I, as being pan-sexual, was asked after uploading the article below.

①What is the difference between pan-sexual person and philanthropist?

Phil Anthropy
Phil Anthropy

So… as you are pan-sexual, you are philanthropist, right?


They are different. As I mentioned in this article, pan-sexual people think like ‘I don’t care whether it is fish or meat or salad or dessert if I can eat delicious meal.’

A philanthropist, on the other hand, loves every meal equally. (Pan-sexual people do not always ‘equally’ love every meal).

Phil Anthropy
Phil Anthropy

Ah… then maybe ‘equity‘ is the key word.

Yeah, for example, I am the person who loves one person at one time… like people who order their favorites continuously. So, I am not philanthropist.

Phil Anthropy
Phil Anthropy

Hmm… yes, engaging in philanthropy and loving one thing at one time sound opposite.

I think polyamory (practice or desire of intimate relationships with more than one partner) is more similar to the concept of philanthropy.


②As appearance plays an important role when you start to love someone, is it possible to feel sexual attraction regardless of their sex or gender identity?

Appy Arance
Appy Arance

To be honest, people do not fall in love without someone without judging their appearance (e.g. this person’s behavior is feminine / that person is so masculine) . Therefore, I think it is impossible ‘to feel sexual attraction regardless of their sex or gender identity’ as the definition of pan-sexual.

Not always. I fell in love with Candice without seeing her appearance when we were chatting about various subjects via SNS.

Appy Arance
Appy Arance

Whoa, like love starting from exchanging letters! That’s a good point.

Like… there are lots of novels which describe meals deliciously.

Appy Arance
Appy Arance

Ah yes, just the words ‘fish and chips` make me hungry.

In the first place, we don’t always focus on sex or gender identity of people.

Appy Arance
Appy Arance

Hmm… I do care appearance a lot… but yeah there are people who treat people equally regardless of their sex or gender identity. Maybe that is what pansexual is.

Ah, that’s an interesting perspective.

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コメント / COMMENT

  1. […] (パンセクシャルは博愛主義?実現不可能?/Q&A about Being Pan-sexual)パンセクシャルのちろちろが、よく聞かれる二つの質問に回答します。Chihiro answers the two popular questions about being pan-sexual. […]
