We improved the categorizations of the articles. Now you can search them more easily!
We put some of the previous articles as example, so please feel free to read them!
If you read our blog using your smartphone, you can see the button MENU which you can choose each categorization.

①定番レシピ(Recommended Recipe)
If you visit our blog for the first time, please read these articles.

②考察系レシピ (Thinking about Recipe)
-生物学的な性(biological sex)
In these articles, we talk about topics related with gender, sexuality, and biological sex freely.

③勉強系レシピ (Learning about Recipe)
-LGBT+の歴史(LGBT+ History)
-映画・ドキュメンタリー等(Documentary etc)
In these articles, we learn about LGBT+ history, glossary of sex, and so on.

④時事ネタ系レシピ (News about Recipe)
-同性婚(Same-sex Marriage)
In these articles, we argue about latest news and controversies.
⑤私生活系レシピ (Author of Recipe)
-ちろちろについて(About Chihiro)
-きゃんきゃんについて(About Candice)
-結婚について(About Our Marriage)
-家探しについて(About Our Home)
In these articles, we write about our life-history like our marriage.

Please enjoy our blog!!
コメント / COMMENT
[…] また、各レシピ(記事)の分類はこちらでご覧いただけます。本分類に沿った各記事ごとの説明はこちら。Each article is categorized. You can see more precise instructions for each article from here. […]
[…] ㉘カテゴリ分けについて(About Categorisation)カテゴリ分けについて整理した、解説記事です。If you want to know how we categorize our articles, please read this article! […]