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Q&A about Being Pan-sexual

What is the difference between pan-sexual person and philanthropist? Is it possible to feel sexual attraction regardless of their sex or gender identity?
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(本レシピのポイント(作成者:ちろちろ)) ✔ パンセクシャル(誰かを好きになるとき、その人の性を気にしないセクシャリティ)は、複数の人を「平等に好きになる」とは限らないため、「博愛主義」とは異なる ✔ (見た目の)性を気にしないで人を好き...
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The Difference between LGBT+ and Pedophilia

LGBT+ people can respect the autonomy of the object of sexual desire, while people with pedophilia cannot.
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The Similarity between Quaker and Queer

The word 'queer' was used to insult people having same-sex desires, but nowadays many people use it as positive umbrella term for calling LGBT+ community. Why?
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Lost Hero: Sylvia Rivera

Why Silvia Rivera - the hero of Stonewall Riot- does not be payed as same attention as Marsha. P. Johnson? I contend the answer lies in her character.
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消えた英雄 シルヴィア・リベラ

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What is the Difference between Pansexual and Bisexual?

the difference between pansexual and bisexual can be easily explained by the example of people go to the restaurant famous for its fish dishes and meat dishes.
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