About the Icon of this Blog

レシピ / RECIPE

The Icon of this blog is two of our sexuality flags combined together. One on the left is the pansexual flag,and the right is the lesbian flag.

The pansexual flag is tri-colored:
Magenta:Sexual attraction to those who identify as female
Yellow:Sexual attraction to non-binary people or everyone in between.
Blue:Represents sexual attraction to those who identify as men

The lesbian flag:
Orange:Represents gender non-comformity
Light orange:Independece
White:Trans and Non-binary lesbians
Dark pink:Femmes and femininity

I thought being non-binary and lesbian would never mix because I wasn’t “feminine enough” or ” butch enough”. My lesbian friends were the people who fit in the butch/fem category. I always struggled finding what type of lesbian I’am.

Now,after I met my girlfriend I have learned that lesbian is all about loving a woman and being loved by woman. Whether you’re feminine or not,or maybe both butch and feminine. I’am a proud lesbian and I won’t let my appearance define my sexuality ever again.

[Written by: Candice]

コメント / COMMENT

  1. […] 「性」と料理の関係性どうして「性の在り方」を料理レシピにたとえて説明することにしたのかについての記事です。gendercooking.com2020.06.09 Talking About Sex Like CookingThe reason why I decided to talk about sex like cooking.gendercooking.com2020.06.09 当ブログのアイコンについて当ブログのアイコンはパンセクシャルとレズビアンのフラッグを組み合わせたものです。そこに込めた思いについて解説しました。gendercooking.com2020.06.12 About the Icon of this BlogThe Icon of this blog is two of our sexuality flags combined together. On… […]

  2. […] ~~~〇おてがるレシピ/Easy Recipeポテチ片手に、お手すき時間にサクサクよんでいただきたい軽食レシピたちです。If you don’t have much time, please read these ‘easy going’ articles!(当ブログのアイコンについて/About the icon of this blog)当ブログのカラフルなアイコンにどんな意味が込められているかの解説記事。This article explains what the icon of this blog implies.(パンセクシャルとバイセクシャル、どう違う?/What is the difference between pansexual and bisexual?)どっちも「男と女両方好きになりうる」ように見えて、意外と違うパン/バイセクシャルについて。This article explains the difference between pansexual and bisexual. […]

  3. […] ③(当ブログのアイコンについて/About the icon of this blog)当ブログのカラフルなアイコンにどんな意味が込められているかの解説記事。This article explains what the icon of this blog implies. […]
