Author: Chihiro (著:ちろちろ)

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あつまれ!世界の同性婚さん(Photos of Same-sex Marriage All Over the World)

もうすぐ結婚するので、世界の同性婚の写真を集めてみました!(You can see same-sex marriage photos all over the world in this article!)
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‘My friend is gay’ is not an excuse

if you hear a person say 'My friend is gay so that I have no prejudice', I'm 100 percent sure that the person has distinct prejudice against LGBT+ community.
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Why some Japanese husbands can’t have sex with their wives?

Some husbands just can't have sex with their wives because they do every house-chores for them and thus become like 'mother' for them.
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What It Is Like Finding Houses In Japan- For Same Sex Couple

On the Internet, it is said that finding accommodations which accept same sex couple is difficult in Japan. Really so? Let me explain my experiences.
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Making of Chihiro⑤:Determination

I want to hold her hand forever. Therefore, I write this blog today, tomorrow, and so on.
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