ちろちろについて(About Chihiro)

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(本レシピのポイント(作成者:ちろちろ)) ✔ 1月22日に、「マイノリティのすゝめ」というタイトルで登壇してきました ✔ 自分の思いを言語化する意義を再確認できた最高のイベントでした どうも、ちろちろです。1月22日(金)に開かれたこちら...
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Still, Silent, Stagnated- That’s My Coming Out

This August, I came out my sexuality (being pansexual and having girlfriend) to my colleagues. I was determined but at the same time really nervous about it.
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Making of Chihiro⑤:Determination

I want to hold her hand forever. Therefore, I write this blog today, tomorrow, and so on.
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Making of Chihiro④: Encounter with Candice

First, I hesitated as I believed I would love men. But then, I realized such thinking is nothing more than 'inside the box'. So, I admitted my love with her.
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Making of Chihiro③: Encounter with Ms. Raja

Ms. Raja Gemini, the contestant of RuPaul's Drag Race, made me think outside the box by her revolutionary drag.
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Making of Chihiro②: the Woman who can’t become a ‘man’

I thought that I could not pretend as a 'man' anymore. But at the same time also thought that I could not play a 'woman' role. So... I felt... devastated.