同性婚(Same-sex Marriage)

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(本レシピのポイント(作成者:ちろちろ)) ✔ 「新婚さんいらっしゃい」にいらっしゃれなかった話。 その日、私はアンケート用紙を手に、放心していた。 //////////////////// はじまりは、厚労省の先輩が「新婚さんいらっしゃい...
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あつまれ!世界の同性婚さん(Photos of Same-sex Marriage All Over the World)

もうすぐ結婚するので、世界の同性婚の写真を集めてみました!(You can see same-sex marriage photos all over the world in this article!)
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Same-Sex marriage and Subway Sandwiches

Why same-sex marriage is not permitted in Japan? Why Subway is not popular in Japan? The answer for these two questions might be the same.
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Why Same-Sex Marriage is ‘Disgusting’?

Some people feel same-sex marriage disgusting as bounded by different-sex marriage. But history already taught us what will happen when we escape from freedom.
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