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The Stained Glass of Sex Crack’d from Side to Side

I lived in the box of gender about 30 years. Inside the box, there is invisible needles and it tore me into pieces. Ms. Raja and Candice broke the box and the pieces of me came out. I gathered the pieces and made new me.
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The risk of Japanese for talking about sex

I contend that Japanese people should be really cautious about using Japanese for talking about complicated or ambiguous matters such as sex.
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Is there exit from never-ending controversy on Twitter?

It seems on the Internet you are blamed not only you don't say anything but also you say something... is there any 'exit' to avoid being blamed by someone?
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あつまれ!世界の同性婚さん(Photos of Same-sex Marriage All Over the World)

もうすぐ結婚するので、世界の同性婚の写真を集めてみました!(You can see same-sex marriage photos all over the world in this article!)
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‘My friend is gay’ is not an excuse

if you hear a person say 'My friend is gay so that I have no prejudice', I'm 100 percent sure that the person has distinct prejudice against LGBT+ community.
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Why some Japanese husbands can’t have sex with their wives?

Some husbands just can't have sex with their wives because they do every house-chores for them and thus become like 'mother' for them.