レシピ / RECIPE Why Macrame in Japan is always white? The reason why I started to make macrame by my own is simple: in Japan you can only find white macrame and I want colorful one. 2021.11.23 レシピ / RECIPE
レシピ / RECIPE Women do get facial hair I sincerely hope in the near future we can live without the fear of being judged by what kind of facial hair we get, regardless of gender. 2021.11.14 レシピ / RECIPE
レシピ / RECIPE オリンピックを語ろう! その際交わした熱い議論が大変心の支えになったため、10月末、同じメンバーに声をかけて、今度は「2020東京オリンピック」を語る会を開催した。不祥事の多発や「多様性」スローガンの薄っぺらさに色々モヤモヤするところがあったので、一度腰を据えて議論してみたかったのである。 2021.11.06 レシピ / RECIPE
レシピ / RECIPE Mancala and gender-expression Mancala Online is amazing smartphone application! 2021.10.30 レシピ / RECIPE
レシピ / RECIPE Our 1st wedding anniversary and rainbow jelly 10/24 was our 1st wedding anniversary! 2021.10.25 レシピ / RECIPE
レシピ / RECIPE Fortune-telling can be stereotypical because we rely on fortune-telling to become happy, what fortune-teller (≒society) thinks happy influences what they tell. 2021.10.16 レシピ / RECIPE