To find what your brain seeks

レシピ / RECIPE

Recently, I (Chihiro) met my colleague who had been suffered from insomnia. As his facial expression became bright, I asked him why. And he told me the conversation between him and his doctor:


Tell me your lifestyle habit.

My colleague
My colleague

Ah… recently I work remotely…and after working I watch YouTube a lot…


Hmm. Then you wear headphones a lot?


Yeah, almost all time.


I think that’s the reason you can’t sleep. As you hear sounds all time, your brain still seeks sounds during night. I recommend listening to relaxing music after going to bed.

“I followed the advice, listening to relaxing music such as soap cutting sounds during my bed time, and then I started to sleep well”, he concluded peacefully.

After the conversation, I thought… maybe, that advice, which recommend doing relaxing xxx when your brain ‘seeks’ xxx after stressful events, can be applied to other problems.

For example, if you are insulted by someone and the painful word is unforgettable,
chatting with your loved one about daily things cures your wounded heart.

For example, if a movie leaves you a bad aftertaste,
watching cat videos enables you to change mind.

For example, if you communicate with too many people and become super-tired,
Lying in your loved one’s lap heals you.

That kind of ‘taking your mind off’ techniques, I think, become more and more important as our society becomes more and more full of things which your brain is likely to ‘seek’.

…so, today again, I stick to my spouse (Candice) as she is my best ‘taking my mind off’ method 🙂

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