About Our marriage④:Candice’s perspective

レシピ / RECIPE

Hello! I’m sorry I don’t come here a lot, I’m not much of a writing person but I’m doing great!

Me at the hotel room where we married

Chihiro wanted me to write an article about our wedding from my perspective and thinking about it, I could only remember how busy I was! I woke up early packing my all my makeup, brushes, decorations, and last but not least, two ginormous wedding dresses! Packed them all in 3 big backpacks and luggage. They were very heavy I thought I was going to shrink 10 inches LOL. I brought all of my belongings to our hotel and it was 5pm, I was too exhausted to be nervous or anxious.

The dress was HEAVY!!

Although we prepared the day before, we were still hella busy on our wedding day. I had to do hair and makeup for both of us and get ourselves dressed up. Putting makeup on Chihiro wasn’t easy… It was her first time doing full glam, she wouldn’t stop whining how the false lashes were heavy and how she didn’t like all the liquids and powder on her skin LOL. She was very satisfied with the finished look though! I felt very confident with my makeup skill after she looked in the mirror and said ” I feel like a Princess!” .

Took many pictures after we made up ourselves!!

After all the busyness we went through, it was finally the wedding! I was so nervous talking to Ms. Raja because I rarely use English anymore…I really don’t remember what I said LOL All I remember is that I was very happy to be where I am in life. Also, I cried so hard the next day thinking back how all of this was possible. Our marriage might not be legal but not everyone has the opportunity to these kind of things. I felt very grateful and appreciative.

Love you, forever and ever!!

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  1. […] about our marriage from the link below!日本語ver: (1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5)English ver: (1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / […]
