What is Japanese typical ‘hostess bar’ like? (Part 1)

レシピ / RECIPE

‘Hostess bar’ is one of the most typical nightlife business in Japan but many foreign people don’t know about it. I actually don’t know it well, just know it is where men can drink alcohol with getting service by gorgeous girls. So, you can explain what it is like as you worked as a hostess for a while.


OK, then, please ask questions related with hostess bar.

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Hmm… then,
1) Why you decided to work as a hostess?

It’s simple. I needed money for my school loan, bills to pay, and for my brother’s school bills.

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2) How you found the place to work?

I found the hostess bar where the girls were allowed to wear casual clothes (usually, other bars force us to wear gorgeous clothes). So, I thought that was for me!

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3)What it was like working there?

To be honest, almost every single minute I was there, I felt terrible. I have a phobia of drunk people. Drunk people freak me out. But at hostess bars customers get drunk, you know. They will start crying, get angry out of nowhere, harass you,or even hit you. You have to endure every harassment like a garbage can. Ohhh… and cleaning up peoples vomit… that was the last thing I wanted to do working there lol

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4)What you found out about the work?

I thought I could just sit there, smile, and make money but it was not like that at all. It wasn’t easy. You have to keep people entertained all night long.

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5)How about the other girls? They treated you well?

I got this asked a lot. People assume “girls world” is full of cat fights and high school drama. I think every work place has good and bad side no matter what kind of gender-ratio it has. There’s always people you just don’t get along with. To be honest though, I had tough time getting along with the customers more than my co-workers.

(To be continued…)

コメント / COMMENT

  1. […] (キャバクラってどんなお仕事?(前・後編)/What is Japanese typical ‘hostess bar’ like? (Part 1/2))キャバクラでかつて働いていたきゃんきゃんが語る、キャバクラの楽しいところ辛いところ。Hostess bar is one of the most typical night businesses in Japan. Candice explains about it. […]
