私生活系レシピ (Author of Recipe)

レシピ / RECIPE

About our marriage②: Marriage is a tough work

we have the venue, the dresses, and the rings. That’s all we need, right? ...no?
レシピ / RECIPE


レシピ / RECIPE

About our marriage①:The reason we married

Yes, we just did wedding ceremony, still not legally married. Then, why we did it? It's because we wanted to change the current situation.
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レシピ / RECIPE

Still, Silent, Stagnated- That’s My Coming Out

This August, I came out my sexuality (being pansexual and having girlfriend) to my colleagues. I was determined but at the same time really nervous about it.
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レシピ / RECIPE

What is Japanese typical ‘hostess bar’ like? (Part 1)

'Hostess bar' is one of the most typical nightlife business in Japan. Candice explains what it is like to work as a hostess.
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What It Is Like Finding Houses In Japan- For Same Sex Couple

On the Internet, it is said that finding accommodations which accept same sex couple is difficult in Japan. Really so? Let me explain my experiences.
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