Our 1st wedding anniversary and rainbow jelly

レシピ / RECIPE

When I (Chihiro) was little, my grandmother repeatedly told me:


When I was young (1940s), my friend eats rainbow jelly. I really wanted to eat it but never had chance. I still wonder how it tasted like…


Today (10/24) is our 1st wedding anniversary. We stayed at Pokémon themed hotel!

And made Pokémon dinner together.

As I remember my grandmother’s story, I asked Candice to make rainbow jelly together.

After a long, long trial and error, we made it!

I brought one of them to my grandmother. She was really pleased and told me her long dream now becomes true.


I was really pleased about her reaction not only because Candice and I put lots of effort to made it but also it was the RAINBOW jelly which made my grandmother happy. You know, rainbow is the symbol of LGBT+ community. I really hope, we can make people around us happy like this, like rainbow, from now on and forever. Love wins!

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